Westbrooke Alternative Asset Management UK Limited (“WAAM UK”) recently closed a deal that for most lenders would be considered impossible under normal circumstances, but even more so in the current environment.

On Wednesday the 14th of October, WAAM UK was approached by a consortium led by a successful entrepreneur to provide an equity bridge facility to allow the consortium to complete the restructure of his ICT services business.

By close of business on Monday the 19th of October, WAAM UK – to the satisfaction of all parties – had:

  • negotiated and agreed on a robust security package;
  • obtained investment committee and board approval;
  • executed all transaction and finance documentation; and
  • advanced funds.

On closing, Richard Asherson, MD of WAAM UK remarked:
“We are pleased that we were able to assist our client within such a tight timeframe. The speed and efficiency at which this transaction was closed is a true testament to what WAAM UK is all about, and reinforces our commitment to differentiating our offering by being a commercial and flexible provider of capital to our clients.”

Westbrooke Alternative Asset Management UK works with entrepreneurs, management teams and private equity houses to provide finance to growing UK companies with EBITDAs between £1m – £10m.

We offer senior debt, intermediate capital and minority equity on either a standalone or integrated basis. Our flexible solutions cover the entire capital structure and are tailored to each client’s needs.

We are a single, empowered and responsive team focussed on making deals happen and building strong relationships with our clients.