Westbrooke is a gateway to alternative investment funds structured to preserve and compound our investors’ wealth to secure their future prosperity for generations to come. It’s our belief that we can only succeed if we continuously monitor and improve the way we engage with our Wealth Partners.

With this in mind, we recently conducted a survey with 64 individual wealth management businesses. This episode of the Magic Markets podcast focuses on what wealth managers think about alternative investments and how they are using them in clients’ portfolios.

Dino Zuccollo discussed the results of the survey, which included:

  • The most popular types of alternative assets
  • The priority for investors – yield, capital growth or a combination of the two
  • Investor preferences re: offshore or local exposure within the alternative asset portfolio

The most surprising insight related to the popularity (or lack thereof) of traditional real estate as an asset class.

All these insights and more are available in this episode.

Listen to the full episode here:


The Magic Markets podcast is hosted by The Finance Ghost and Mohammed Nalla. Listen to previous interviews with our team members here: