
shake-up at burger king franchise owner

Consumer brand experts Mark Bowman and Ronel van Dijk have been brought on board as nonexecutive directors of GPI.

Next week’s AGM of embattled empowerment group Grand Parade Investments (GPI), which owns the master franchise for Burger King in SA, should be an intriguing affair after a group of shareholder activists, speaking for 12.5% of the company, appointed two new directors to the board on Wednesday night.

6 December 2018

taking stock – a business day TV interview with westbrooke’s jarred winer

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3 December 2018

now possible to invest in a diversified portfolio of S12J funds to significantly reduce your tax

Monday, 26 November 2018: Section 12J season opens once more allowing South Africans to write off 100% of the investment against their taxable income. There are more than 100 registered Section 12J companies in South Africa and is estimated that the market has raised more than R3.6 billion in investments.

26 November 2018

brutes air rental solutions

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12 November 2018

sepsci lab rentals

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mobile macs rentals

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westbrooke capital hospitality success a tribute to the power of the section 12J incentive

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hassen adams’ gamble backfires at grand parade

Many so-called community shareholders share dissident shareholders’ concerns about gaming vs fast-food investments.
The board of embattled empowerment group Grand Parade Investments (GPI) must surely be giving serious consideration to a settlement with a group of dissident shareholders.

8 November 2018

is section 12J , the investment tax incentive, working for south africa?

There are more than 100 registered Section 12J companies in South Africa and is estimated that the market has raised more than R3.6 billion in investments.

S12J was instituted in 2009 with a 12 year sunset clause for 2021. We are technically at the six year midpoint – the right time to question whether S12J is a success.

6 November 2018

boardroom battle brewing at grand parade

Disgruntled investors have been lining up well-qualified candidates to possibly take over from long-serving directors
Disgruntled minority shareholders at Cape Town-based empowerment company Grand Parade Investments (GPI) are intent on beefing up lean returns by shaking up the board of directors.

11 October 2018